Importance of Vision Screening for Older Adults

It’s only natural for people to develop health complaints as they grow older. Watching out for age-related diseases becomes key if we want to enjoy our health and mobility even as we age. This is especially true of vision and eye health. Macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma are some common vision problems that tend to... Continue Reading →

Three Important Things to Carry with You to Your Eye Examination Appointment

Caring for your vision is imperative. Just like you schedule an annual health check for the rest of your body, it is important not to ignore your eyes and have them screened for eye-related issues at least once every year. However, before you show up for your eye examination appointment, make a checklist of all... Continue Reading →

Five Main Types of Refraction Errors

Refraction errors occur when your eyes are unable to focus properly on objects. When your eyes are unable to focus, it causes vision issues like blurred vision and double vision, and can affect people of all ages. Here are five main categories of refraction errors to watch out for: 1. Hyperopia - Also known as... Continue Reading →

What Is Diabetic Retinopathy?

People with diabetes can develop an eye condition called diabetic retinopathy. The condition causes leakage and swelling in the blood vessels of the retina. As it progresses, the vision begins to become distorted and may gradually result in complete blindness. According to the statistics, one-third of the people suffering from diabetes develop diabetic retinopathy. Indications... Continue Reading →

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