Importance of Vision Screening for Older Adults

It’s only natural for people to develop health complaints as they grow older. Watching out for age-related diseases becomes key if we want to enjoy our health and mobility even as we age. This is especially true of vision and eye health.

Macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma are some common vision problems that tend to affect older adults. In a country like Jamaica in particular, glaucoma is quite prevalent. These eye conditions if left untreated can cause irreversible damage to our vision. In severe cases, they can even lead to permanent blindness..

Learn more about common eye conditions to watch out for.

The main problem – Leaving vision issues unchecked

We may have a lot of reasons for not visiting our eye care specialist or a healthcare clinic when we begin experiencing discomfort in our eye, or problems with seeing clearly. We might think it’s nothing serious and that it’ll resolve by itself. We might be afraid to get a check-up done, or the expenses attached to an eye examination and subsequent treatment might deter us from going for an eye test.

Eye check up benefits for older adults

Whatever could be your reason for not getting an eye check-up done, remember that it is not more serious than losing your ability to see clearly. Eye conditions need to be diagnosed as early as possible for effective treatment. Moreover, many eye conditions do not show any early signs of vision deterioration or discomfort until the damage worsens. To avoid this from happening to you, make sure you visit your eye care specialist for regular vision screening and eye examinations.

Taking care of oneself involves preemptive measures. Diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration have positive prognosis when detected, treated and managed early. So, make vision health a priority and book an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam at the earliest.

Eye examination – What it involves and who should do it

A vision screening and eye examination involves going to an eye care professional to get various types of eye tests done. These can include eye pressure tests for glaucoma detection, visual acuity for prescription glasses, optic nerve imaging, corneal thickness and so on. Your eye care professional will guide you through the steps as well as pretesting and post-testing care.

Regular eye exams are a must for not just older adults but for everyone. Based on your current eye health status and family history, your eye doctor will recommend the frequency of eye tests. If you have a family history of diseases like glaucoma or diabetes then that is all the more reason to get your eyes tested regularly. 

At Courts Optical Eyewear And Eye Care Centre In Jamaica  Get A Comprehensive Eye Exam

At Courts Optical eyewear and eye care centre in Jamaica,   a comprehensive eye exam includes the following:

1. Analysis of health history

2. External eye examination

3. Internal eye examination

4. Refraction test

5. Eye pressure test

6. Additional tests in necessary

Why older adults must prioritize regular eye examinations

Early detection of eye diseases – Regular eye examinations will let your eye care professional always keep an eye on the status of your eye health. If you develop any eye condition, he or she would be able to spot it at its early stages, making the treatment more effective and mitigating further damage to your vision.

Prevent fatal falls and accidents – In older adults, vision deterioration can cause falls and accidents and restrict movement, affecting their quality of life. Eye check-ups at regular intervals will promote vision health and visual acuity so they are more aware of their surroundings and can enjoy their independence with confidence.

Preserve your quality of life – Vision impairment can cause a significant decline in the quality of life. Without eyesight, performing simple day to day activities and chores can become extremely difficult tasks. Activities you may enjoy such as reading, driving or going for walks can become impossible to do. Proactively caring for your eye health and protecting your vision is essential to lead a good life and to enjoy your favourite activities, even when you are older.

In addition to vision tests, monitoring your blood pressure and blood sugar levels can help you keep any systemic disease related vision complications at bay.

Eye health care for older adults

Here are 6 ways to protect eye and vision health.

The important thing to remember is that a lot of age-related vision conditions can be managed effectively if detected on time. So, with just a few routine yearly eye check-ups, you could potentially be preventing yourself from irreversible vision damage or blindness. So, don’t skip that visit to the eye clinic and start your journey toward better eye health today.

Courts Optical Eyewear Stores in Jamaica

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