The Impact of Smoking on Eye Health

Long gone are the days when tobacco companies advertised cigarettes as a cure for anxiety, tummy problems, and heartache. For many decades now, medical research and studies have shown the world exactly how harmful smoking is. The warning on cigarette packets is definitely not to be taken lightly.

Apart from the biggest scare of causing throat, mouth, and lung cancer, smoking can also lead to lung damage, emphysema, pulmonary diseases, asthma, heart disease, and infertility issues. In fact, in Jamaica, 11% of all non-communicable ailments can be linked to smoking and tobacco use.

How Smoking Affects Eyes And Vision Health Increases Risk Of Eye Disease

But people often ignore other lesser-known negative effects of smoking, such as damage to the skin, hair, and eyes. Our eyes, especially, are delicate and precious organs that we need to preserve for a lifetime.

Let’s understand how smoking affects eyes and vision health.

Increases risk of eye disease

Smoking ages your eyes and weakens them much faster than normal. You are at an increased risk of age-related glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, if you smoke. Passive smoking also poses the same risk, although at a lower degree. Considering that we need to protect our eyes in general as we age, it becomes crucial to ensure we’re not adding more risk factors to our eye health.

Protect Vision And Eye Health

Here are 6 more ways to protect vision and eye health

Causes red and bloodshot eyes

People who have quit smoking have noticed that their eyes are much clearer. Red and bloodshot eyes are typical in smokers. Apart from this, smoking also makes your eyes feel heavier and tired sooner. In an age of screen-driven professions and constant mobile use, smoking just adds more strain to the already over-used eye muscles.

If you have been smoking regularly, make sure to get a complete eye and vision test done to pick any early signs of eye diseases, so you can take proactive measures to stop the condition from worsening.

Leads to higher chance of vision loss

One of the biggest impacts of smoking is the much higher chance of developing vision loss. Smoking can slowly weaken your eyes causing blurry sight and potentially leading to vision impairment. People who smoke might eventually develop a reduced field of vision as smoking affects the retina and lens health.

Visit your nearest Courts Optical eye care centre in Jamaica for vision screening, eye examination, prescription glasses. UV protection sunglasses and more.

Vision Screening and Eye Examination in Jamaica

Considering the enormous risks that come with smoking, it would be prudent to stay away from this harmful habit and from smoking areas. If you are a smoker, take your physician’s help to cut back and eventually quit smoking. You can also make use of resources online that will help you take better care of yourself, your eyes, and your overall health and well-being.

Location: Jamaica

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