Four Signs Your Eyes Are Dealing With Refractive Errors

If you’ve been experiencing headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain, it could be because of refractive errors of the eye which you are not even aware of. The symptoms of refractive errors are very similar to eye strain and many people simply attribute the discomfort to the latter. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, chances are your eyes are suffering from refractive errors and require corrective lenses.

Signs of refractive errors of the eye


Frequent headaches are often the indication of weak eyes. When our eyes become weak, they have to focus harder and struggle more to see clearly. This extra processing can lead to frequent  headaches. If you find yourself experiencing headaches regularly, then you may be dealing with refractive error of the eye. If you already have prescription glasses then headaches could indicate that you need vision screening and a new prescription.

Frequent headaches is a sign of refractive errors of the eye


Refractive errors are a group of eye disorders where the light rays entering the eyes are not correctly focused on the retina leading to blurry vision. People with refractive errors find themselves squinting a lot in an attempt to see better. If you happen to squint to see better, it could indicate that you need to visit your eyecare professional for vision screening.

Difficulty seeing properly

Blurry vision, double vision, difficulty seeing at night, and halos around light; these are all indications of deteriorating vision health caused by refractive errors. The most common refractive errors are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. All of these can be easily resolved with the help of corrective lenses. If you are experiencing any of the vision issues mentioned above, make an appointment with the eye care professionals at Courts Optical for a complete vision screening and eye examination in Jamaica.

Blurry vision indicates that you may require prescription eyeglasses

Strain on eyes

Most of us would say that eye strain is a minor discomfort and hardly something to be concerned about. In truth, it is a sign that you’re dealing with refractive errors. Eye strain and eye fatigue is often experienced when we spend a lot of time looking at your smartphone and laptop screens. We are so focused on our screens that we forget to blink, worsening the condition even further. To protect your vision health from declining, it’s important to get the right prescription eyeglasses with anti-reflective lenses.

The corrective prescription will help you see clearly without straining your eyes, and the anti-reflective lenses will shield your eyes from blue light. In Jamaica, you can visit your closest Courts Optical eye care store to learn more about prescription eyeglasses with AR coating.

Wearing prescription eyeglasses with anti-reflective lenses for blue light protection

Poor eating habits and long hours spent in front of digital screens can be very harmful to the eyes in the long run and contribute to refractive errors as well as other eye disorders. It is crucial to get professional assistance in the early stages of refractive errors so stop or delay their progression. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned here, speak to your eye care professional without further delay. Hope this post was helpful.

Location: Jamaica

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