Five Main Types of Refraction Errors

Refraction errors occur when your eyes are unable to focus properly on objects. When your eyes are unable to focus, it causes vision issues like blurred vision and double vision, and can affect people of all ages.

Here are five main categories of refraction errors to watch out for:

1. Hyperopia – Also known as farsightedness, in this refraction error eyes can see the objects located at a distance but objects close by are blurred and out of focus. This occurs when the cornea does not have sufficient curve, obstructing the light rays to refract properly.

Hyperopia refraction error eye test

2. Myopia – This condition is the opposite of Hyperopia and is also known as nearsightedness. In this form of refraction error, eyes can see objects located close by but objects in the distance are blurry. When the cornea is curved too sharply, the light ends up focusing in front of the retina instead of focusing correctly on the retina. This causes objects at a distance to appear blurry.

3. Presbyopia – This is a form of age-related farsightedness where the lens of the eye gradually starts losing its elasticity, making it difficult to view nearby objects. Presbyopia can occur in early or mid-40’s and can be corrected with eyeglasses and contact lenses.

eye examination for Presbyopia refraction error

It is necessary to follow healthy eye care habits early on, including regular vision screening and eye examination.

4. Astigmatism – Objects appear blurry at both near and far distances. This is caused by an irregular curvature of the cornea because of which the eye is unable focus light evenly on the retina, causing blurry vision along with headaches and eye strain.

5. Anisometropia – In this type of eye condition, each eye has a different refractive power causing the eyes to focus unevenly. It could later lead to amblyopia, which is also called lazy eye.

Anisometropia refractive error

Refractive errors once diagnosed by your eye doctor can be easily fixed with corrective eye glasses and contact lenses. For a more permanent solution, patients can opt for a corrective eye surgery after consulting with their doctor.

Additionally, adopting a healthy and active lifestyle including regular exercise and proper nutritious diet, and eye care routine can stop further deterioration of refractive errors. Visit Courts Optical near you for eye vision test in Jamaica.

Photo Credit: Google Images

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