Five Common Eye Disorders and Simple Preventive Measures

Eyes, like other parts of your body, demand preventative awareness. It is imperative to keep them healthy to ward-off diseases that may threaten your vision and eventually result in blindness.

Most Common Eye Disorders

The 5 most common disorders that may lead to irreversible damage if not taken care of are-


A cataract is a disease that makes your eye lens cloudy and almost opaque. Primarily it reduces your vision. Besides other vision problems, you may also find driving at night difficult.

Most Common Eye Disorders

Macular Degeneration

When the part of your retina i.e. macula that holds central vision gets damaged and reduces your ability to read, drive, recognize faces and objects in fine details, you are said to be affected by macular degeneration.


Caused by high intraocular pressure, glaucoma is the second most leading cause of blindness. It causes damage to your optic nerve that results in a complete vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy

When you have a poor blood sugar level, you may develop a threatening eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy. It impairs the blood vessels in your retina. You begin to see distorted or blurred images and may gradually lose your vision completely.

eye health and care

Dry Eyes

When your eyes fail to produce an adequate amount of tears that are essential for eye nourishment and lubrication, you develop a condition called dry eyes.

Ways to Prevent Eye Disorders

There is no 100% guarantee that you can stop the common eye disorders from developing in your eyes, but if you incorporate the following preventive measures early on, you can delay and minimize their harmful impact for a long time.

  • Make sure that you visit your eye specialist once every one to two years.
  • Rest your eyes against penetrating blue light toxicity.
  • Exercise regularly and keep away from becoming obese.
  • Regularly have your blood pressure and diabetes checked and take adequate medicines if they are at a threatening stage.

Regular eye check up for healthy vision

  • Wear shades in the sun to protect your eyes from the UVA and the UVB rays.
  • Moderate your smoking. Try to quit completely.
  • Include healthy portions of fruits and green leafy vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Ensure that you take vitamin A, C and E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids regularly.
  • Take adequate sleep and rest your eyes when you can.
  • Keep your prescription lens and contact lens updated in accordance with your vision.

You can keep your vision intact if you care for your eyes continuously and daily, without neglecting them. Book an appointment with the experts at Courts Optical eye health and care center near you for vision screening test in Jamaica.

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