Five Essential Tests Vision Screening Should Include

Ocular health is important to protect your vision from sustaining permanent damage through undetected eye diseases.  And the way to recognize vision problems is through regular eye tests carried out by an eye health and care specialist.

Regular eye exams can uncover some grave problems in your eyes and help you adopt preventive measures to protect your eyes from the onset of some critical eye conditions.

5 Essential Tests in vision screening 

Essential Tests in vision screening 

Your optometrist may conduct several basic tests during your eye exam but the 5 most essential tests in vision screening are-

Visual Acuity Test- A visual acuity test is an exam that probes your ability to see alphabets, numbers or symbols from a certain specific distance. The letters begin with a large size and then decrease down to the smallest. The normal visual acuity is considered to be 20/20.

Retinoscopy Test- The Retinoscopy test allows the optometrist to uncover the refractive error present in the eyes of a patient. This test is conducted by shining light on the patient’s eyes through a retinoscope or phoropter and observing its impact on the patient’s retina simultaneously with changing display lenses.

eye test to uncover refractive errors

Refraction Test- Also referred to as vision test, refraction test helps to determine whether you need an eyeglass. In this test, the optometrist keeps replacing one lens with another and questioning you about which lens helps you to see better.

Keratometry Test- This test is used to diagnose astigmatism. Astigmatism is a disease that causes blurred vision as a result of the irregular shaped cornea. By measuring its shape through a special machine, the optometrist ascertains whether you may require corrective measures for astigmatism.

optometrist for vision screening

Peripheral Vision Field Test- As the name suggests, the test observes the peripheral vision in your eyes. Peripheral vision refers to your ability to see objects from your side angle besides the straight angle of vision. This test usually helps to gauge the onset of glaucoma.

These tests follow a simple procedure and are painless. They provide your optometrist a detailed insight of your eye condition and assist them in deciding a course of treatment or preventive measures if required.

Book and appointment with the experts at Courts Optical near you for vision screening and eye test in Jamaica.

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